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Christian Median

Ministry Status Report (MSR)

Sunday Shift


Dear Christian Medians,

We have a full portion of programs for you on this Sunday Shift.

At the top of the schedule is the Apocalypse Chronicles, which focuses on the things of the Spirit, as eternity will last a lot longer than the present distress in this world!

And that’s the subject of Part V of The Great Exchange series as we probe how the Spiritually renewed man or woman is seated in Christ NOW – and He is at the right hand of the Father.

This helps to explain all those verses that speak of “them that dwell in heaven” (Revelation 13:6) as opposed to those who are flesh and blood who “dwell on the earth” (Revelation 13:14).

After that, we have a great episode of the CHRISTIAN MEDIA WEEKLY NEWS (CMWN), the 30 minute compilation of tons of video suppressed by the mainstream media – which is part of the Body of Antichrist – as we can identify them by their fruits.

This show has everything: Would you believe they’re bringing back mask mandates in California?!!

Maybe the big story is that huge medical study of 1.7 million in England that showed no distinctive health issues in the non-vaccinated, but huge issues with the vaxxed!

We’ve got Greg Reese showing Hillary denying the Pizzagate scandal involving pedophilia as evidenced by the leaked emails of her associate John Podesta during her campaign in 2016. She calls it fake and says there will be another “October Surprise” which sound a lot like they’re laying a defensive groundwork for the enormous scandal brewing on rapper Diddy, and lots of big names caught up in it.

The CMWN has a Weather Wars whistleblower named Kristen Meghan, an air force vet, who worked on GEO engineering – she calls it Stratosphere Aerosol Injection – which is techno speak for the chemtrails.

The we learn of the Department of Defense (DOD) directive 5210.01 which is the stealth expansion of military intelligence powers in life or death domestic scenarios – basically the directive quietly issued in September expands military authority to kill citizens – and it was enacted just before the election!

We’ve even got that dirtbag Mayorkas refusing to talk about the Afghani they let in to the country that was planning a terrorist activity on election day.

Now here’s a shocker: Greg Reese has the Israeli finance minister who says the Little Horn Jewish state must expand into Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia! The call it Greater Israel – and the American Rapture Cult agrees with him! Don’t miss this installment of THE CHRISTIAN MEDIA WEEKLY NEWS!

After the CMWN News, we have a Streamwars where Kalamity Harris tries to boost her support by being a guest on a semi porn podcast show! Unbelievable!

Next is a Christian MediaScope where we find all kinds of underground media mocking Kamala.

After that is another Streamwars on the prolifers March for Life – as they correct the real misinfo on the death of the girl blamed by the liars that supposedly occurred because of the overturning of Roe V Wade.

Then we have a Conspiracy Club with Greg Reese providing suppressed info on the push for 5th Generation frequencies – commonly called 5G, and how there are no studies showing it’s safe.

Next we have another GEO History Project animation bio on William Tyndale, the early Englishman who translated the Bible at a time when it was forbidden!

Last but not least is a powerful Sound Bytes, from Sound Body, featuring the Belgian Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, who explains how the Bio weapon strips away your natural immune system. 

This interview was so powerful we used it in our first Conspiracy Club DVD! Incredibly, with all we know about the Bioweapon, people are still volunteering to be murdered!

Huge things are happening and Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes, but the church is still largely walking in darkness, with eyes that don’t see, and ears that don’t hear.

We rejoice in the LORD because He has seen fit to call us into the truth of His work in these precious last days!

It’s all found at Remember to pray for the Christian Medians in the Southeast!



James Lloyd





October 12, 2024



As difficult as it is to perceive, there is a hidden agenda at work in the many crises currently plaguing America. Unfortunately, the mainstream media is complicit, but since the vast majority of citizens only get their information from the big media, the perspective of the populace is affected. The good news is the Internet has empowered many voices who wish to tell the truth concerning what is happening in America.


The mainstream media is striking back by urging government to suppress what they call "disinformation," which is actually anything the Beast government does not want you to hear. Thus, the First Amendment to the Bill Of Rights of the US Constitution is threatened. The depth of depravity coming out of our wicked political leadership has taught many Americans to thoroughly distrust anything the government says, and it's clear that events are leading up to a major crescendo.


Although most Christians have heard about "Spiritual Warfare," there are large portions of prophecy that are occurring that they know nothing about. There is a version of Bible Prophecy you have not heard about, and it's on video, but it's not at all like the many, many "Christian" videos you see on YouTube or broadcast on prophecy TV programs. As the politically compromised mainstream media, under the Spiritual control of Satan, seeks to slant events in accord with their point of view, many believers are unaware the same invisible "principalities and powers" (Ephesians 6:12) are working in the media controlled by Christians, and they are inadvertently censoring important information. Indeed, some believers are rightfully suspicious concerning the times in which we live, and wonder if some of the "Strong Delusion" (II Thessalonians 2:11) scheduled to occur is impacting them. 


The supporters of the Christian Media ministry want you to hear what the Lord has revealed about the end times, as even the Christians in media are inadvertently practicing censorship. The are doing because they "thinks that doeth God service" (John 16:2). We have Internet video on the subject so you can see for yourself, but we can't make believers review the behind the scenes facts, so it's up to you to individually pursue the information the Lord has revealed. To find out more, just put the word YES in an email to and our ministry will email you some rather startling information, including the Bible based prophecy information that is being suppressed.

Stealth Dispensationalism

Schwab Greatest Hits

Covid Conspiracy Volume III DVD

San Francisco Promo

Biden Song

Give It Up

Conspiracy Club Volume II DVD

Wrong Way

Conspiracy Club Volume I

Good Ones

Clean Faith Dog

The Rage Of Nations

Ten Kings

Sucker Punch

The Perdition Engine

Second Timothy

The Shadow And The Substance



War In Heaven

Deja Vu DVD



I'm Not Alone


The Baal Bible

The Revolutionary Role Reversal

Ten Kings

Image Of The Beast


Deadly Wound

You're In The Army Now

The Remnant Of Israel

Kingdom Within You

Jesus IS

New Heart From Heaven

Rivers Of Babylon

One Night Town


Whore Of Babylon


Get Away

Turn Up The Radio

I Hear You Knocking

Circle Of Friends

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The Apocalypse Chronicles

Internet Television

The Baal Bible DVD
The Baal Bible DVD

James Lloyd summarizes the role of the heathen "scriptures" from Mesopotamia, which the scholars are using to leaven the genuine Word of God. In what he has dubbed the "Baal Bible," these Gentile writings speak of the Creation, the Garden episode, and the Great Flood, even as they glorify Baal. Part of a much larger conspiracy, since these Satanic records provide a distorted version of Genesis, the faulty dating of the scholars has conned Christian leaders into telling us the Baal Bible is the original, and the Hebrew Scriptures are the copy!
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Escape From Planet Egypt Book
Escape From Planet Egypt

This new book is the electrifying story of how the Spirit of Antichrist has deceived the scholars into believing the Occult material from ancient Gentile writings generated the growing belief in the Divine Council heresy. James Lloyd's earlier book, Dead Men's Bones, provided a Scriptural refutation of the doctrine that claims the LORD directs a "council" of lesser gods, fallen angels, and heavenly beings.
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Thou Shalt Ascend DVD
Thou Shalt Ascend:
The Storm Of Gog and Magog

Thou Shalt Ascend details the amazing reality of how the devils came to battle JESUS CHRIST at the entrance of the kingdom of God. In the new Christian Media DVD, Thou Shalt Ascend: The Storm Of Gog and Magog, James Lloyd shows how the fabled Gog and Magog Prophecies show a deeper Spiritual layer of the military conflict at the end of the age, as they actually describe the war in heaven (Revelation 12:7), when the dragon (and his Angelic Rebel Coalition) is cast out of heaven.
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The 5th Dynasty
The 5th Dynasty

Related to the concept of Twin Timelines in which sequential episodes occur more than once in Scripture and History, this DVD looks at the rebellions against Moses in the Wilderness. Recognizing the failed revolt in Numbers 16, in which Korah and his followers died trying to overthrow Moses, the same thing occurred in 1649 AD as a parallel Christian rebellion tried to seize the throne of England for Christ. Known as the 5th Monarchy, James Lloyd connects this historical event with the 5th Dynasty of Israel, led by Jehu in I Kings 19:16.
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Serpents, Scorpions, And Seventy Sons
Serpents, Scorpions, And Seventy Sons

Another new DVD from James Lloyd, Serpents, Scorpions, and Seventy Sons is 2 hours of dynamite video, derived from the TV program The Apocalypse Chronicles. Using the Scriptural record, James shows how the number 70 was related to the LORD's election of Israel, as His mediator to the Gentiles. The number is based on the presence of the children of Israel in Egypt, and this study shows how it symbolizes God's redemptive process, as Israel was chosen as "a light to the Gentiles"
(Isaiah 49:6).
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The Saga Of Esau
The Saga Of Esau

Distilling Esau's behavioural patterns down to two themes related to how he despised the will of the LORD, and assigned blame to innocents whom he purposed to kill, James shows how The Saga of Esau is echoed in the Edomites, King Herod, the religious council of the Jewish leadership which rejected Christ, and even Antichrist and the False Prophet.
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Twin Timelines
Twin Timelines DVD

Tying the various events of the presidential campaign (and the first 9 months of the Trump presidency) to what we call the Prophetic Parallels, this amazing new DVD features James detailing the entire cycle of the Twin Timelines – including predictions of where we go from here.
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Dead Mens Bones
Dead Men's Bones DVD
A 2 hour DVD in which James Lloyd refutes the false doctrine of the Divine Council Paradigm. Spreading like wildfire, prophecy teachers are claiming God turned over the Gentiles (at the Tower of Babel) to a "council" of angels and the false "gods" of the Gentiles. The heresy is based on heathen manuscripts praising Baal and, incredibly, many Christian scholars are claiming certain Old Testament verses were derived from writings dedicated to Baal!
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The Matter Of The Mingling
The Matter Of The Mingling
The prophetic expectation of the return of the Fallen Ones (Nephilim in the Hebrew) described in Genesis 6:4 has now reached unprecedented levels of interest. In The Matter Of The Mingling, prophecy figure James Lloyd shows how this controversial subject is an indication the body of Christ has gone astray, and this incendiary book proves it.
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Sequencing Salvation
Sequencing Salvation
Sequencing Salvation: The Revolutionary Role Reversal, shows in considerable detail how the strongholds exchanged positions, and a recognition of the resulting alignment provides significant insight concerning events in our time.
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Monster DVD
This enlightening DVD details how the final Beast government prophecies point directly to America. Still clinging to the centuries old fraud of the so called Revived Roman Empire, millions of believers are still being fed egregious lies from their pastors and prophecy leaders.
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Dragons Book
Dragons Of Esdraelon
The place/name Esdraelon is the Greek word for the Hebrew Jezreel – a very significant locale adjacent to Megiddo – the ancient locale seen in Revelation as Armageddon. In this perceptive work, James shows how the evil Spirits, seen in the Old Testament in geographic proximity to Old Covenant Israel, have now spread around the world as they switch from territorial to global control of all the nations.
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Light To The Nations
Light To The Nations
This book includes the astonishing prophetic metaphor wherein Jonah, symbolizing Old Covenant Israel, resists the call to prophesy to the Gentiles, and sails to Europe to escape the LORD's will. Swallowed up in symbolic Death – and then deposited back onto the land, where the Christ rejecting state re-emerges in 1948 as an involuntary witness, Jonah is an important figure in prophecy. Meanwhile, true Spiritual Israel is seen passing through the sea, walking in the will of the LORD, at the Exodus, even as the earthdwellers (the Egyptian host in the text) are destroyed.
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Counterfeit Antichrist
Counterfeit Antichrist
Many Christian preachers and prophecy authors are now embracing a variation on the ancient "revived Roman Empire" lie with a scenario in which the end times "Antichrist" arrives as a powerful leader from the Islamic world. Leaning on Islamic prophecy itself, in the process of presenting their case in books, television programs, and speaking engagements, these false prophets are pitching another gospel (II Corinthians 11:4) which fails to recognize the truth about the Spiritual entities – commonly identified as Antichrist and The False Prophet -- found in Revelation.
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Culting Book
Culting Of Christianity
The Culting Of Christianity links Egyptian mysticism to leaders in the early church, as well as Jewish opponents of Christianity. An incendiary breakthrough, James conclusively shows the idea of a pre-tribulational evacuation was written in religious documents before Jesus was born. And it doesn't stop there, as James tracks how Occultic writings influenced the development of early Christian doctrine.
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Even He Is The Eighth
Even He Is The 8th
The mysterious passage in Revelation, related to the Beast in prophecy, is one of the most enigmatic themes in Scripture. Now, in the new book Even He Is The Eighth, prophecy figure James Lloyd has developed a coherent, compelling probe of how this subject leads to far more than the identification of Antichrist, as it breaks down the processes involved in how mankind responds to Spiritual stimuli.
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Collective Book
The Collective
The Collective details how the Spiritual entity is essentially the opposite of the body of Christ. Symbolically articulated in the book of Revelation as the Image of the Beast, the Spiritual formation could also be described as the body of Antichrist. This polarity places the body of Christ on one end of the Spiritual spectrum, and the body of Antichrist on the other.
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Lord Lord

Lord Lord - Book
Those Famous words, familiar to Christians reading the New Testament, are spoken at the time of judgement, when the Bible says MANY will be turned away. Most believers are also aware of the ominous response in which Christ tells this "many" to depart from Him, as He never knew them.
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The Remnant of Israel Revisited
The Remnant of Israel Revisited - Book
This brand new title from James Lloyd picks up hwere his previous books, The Remnant Of Israel, and The Remnant In Romans left off.
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The Double Day
The Double Day - Book
This is a stunning work, which adds an important new perspective to the remarkable prophetic formula known as the 6,7,8 Cycle. The pattern, shows man and his efforts represented by the number 6 (man was created on the 6th day), encountering Christ (represented by the divine 7), combining to produce the 8 - the number of new beginnings.
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The Two Witnesses

The Two Witnesses - Book
After years of prophetic work, this is his first look at the provocative subject. In this amazing material, James refutes the commonly offered identifications for the Two Witnesses, instead approaching the subject from the Remnant perspective.
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American Babylon

American Babylon - Book
Written in 2011, American Babylon represents a return to the begining for author James Lloyd. His first published work, Beyond Babylon, was written 20 years ago, and 60 titles later, American Babylon reflects the prophetic depth that decades of research and study can generate.
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Aliyah - DVD
A new television presentation from James Lloyd, the Aliyah (a word which means to ascend) to Jerusalem was installed in the heart of the law and the prophets.
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The Fig Tree
The Fig Tree - DVD
A new DVD addressing the metephor used by Jesus Christ indentifying Israel as the Fig Tree. Drawn from the Apocalypse Chronicles TV Show featuring James Lloyd, this 2 hour video presents the multiple analogies in which Israel is seen in the similitude of a Fig Tree.
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Prophecies Of The Pre-Messiah
Prophecies Of The Pre-Messiah - DVD
This is an unprecedented television production from Christian Media, in which James Lloyd produced 8 hours of video, in a verse by verse analysis of the book of Nehemiah.
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His Reward Is With Him

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